Last Year we didn't have time to do Bob a BIG 60 party...

So this year we made up for it at 61


a few friends and relatives stopped in to cheer him UP :-)

Some Folks having way tooo much FUN :)

Then it was CAKE time... It took a long time to find a young picture of Old  BOB
But Here he is at 26 years old!! Our daughter, Heather  had the cake done for him for his Birthday!!

Sooo Kewl...

He hasn't changed to much :-)

We had such FUN cutting him UP...then I kept asking folks if they wanted to take Bob home with them..

Bob always with Pretty gals :-)

Mom was having a Ball,,,, Her job was to smile in all the pictures :)

Then Bob getting a kiss from our youngest Grand daughter...Too Cute!!

Our Daughter KIM :-)

These are all Our grand children with other grand parents
We have six grand children one missing here...She must be in the Cake LOL!!

Time to Blow out the candles...

The  OVER  THE  HILL  candles !!!

Happy Birthday to you!!!!  Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Hurry candles are melting !!!

Some came late, but there was still tons of Food :)

Fun Fun Time..

We asked for no gifts.. Well folks just can't resist!!!

He got Old Fart Extinguisher, 
large clothespins for his large nose and
Priceless red potatoes...
you have to understand how much Bob loves red potato's to get that one :-)

and as we were saying Good-by to all we found a pair of shoes on our door step...
Now who went home with no shoes ????

Lucy was sad to see everyone go home...
Thank you to all who made this big surprise a success!!!


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