Welcome to Virginia's Website



These pages were created to help keep my Friends and Family up to Date on events and be able to see what's happening in


Favorite File It & Come back
often to see what we are up to !

    Welcome To  Virginia's  Place  in  Cyber  Space  

Things to see :  scroll down :)



Visit My Google

Photo Albums

Family Photo Album

Our Dogs

a Maltese
" Lucy "

and a miniature Daschund

Start A Healthy Way


Shandon Baptist Church

Columbia, SC

services : 10:00 & 11:30

My Testimony


My Mom's
Journey with
Alzheimer's disease
is over.

In Memory of 

"OUR SS Class FUN"

Camden Adventure

SS Class at

Hats Social

2006 Luau

Our Business

Decorative Upholstery


My Fish Aquariums

Come Visit Columbia, SC

More Things to see :  scroll down :)

For God so loved the world    That He gave his only begotten Son, that who ever Believes in him, shall not perrish , But have ever lasting life.

Free Guestbook from Bravenet    Free Guestbook from Bravenet

 These pages were created with FrontPage and my genius :)

Best search Engine alive!

Go take a tour of the white house


Road Runner Cable High Speed. 

By Time Warner==> Try it, you'll like it!
          I could never go back to dial up!



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